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Dr. Andrea Multiple Strip Scar Camouflage Pricing Plan

This plan is for you if your hair transplants completely failed and you lost so much of your natural hair that the only option is to shave your head completely.  It is possible the scars are very bumpy to the touch and irregular in shape.  You may be hiding under a hair piece or wig just to be able to live like a normal person.  You may be the guy always wearing a cap or the one avoiding most social events.  These scars make you feel depressed or anxious and you're unable to live to your full potential.  You are unable to do the activities you love like going to the beach or a pool because people will always ask you: what happened to your head? Did you get into a fight?

Just know I understand you completely and I promise you to give you a polished look that will make you feel alive again.

You will have the choice of only camouflaging the hair transplant scars or undergo a complete Scalp Micropigmentation treatment.  You will receive exclusive pricing when you sign up for both services at the same time.

 Multiple Exposed Strip Scar Camouflage


Session Time

# Sessions



3-5 hrs/session

Dr. Andrea Echeverry Exposed Multiple St
Dr. Andrea Echeverry Exposed Multiple St

Healed After 3 Sessions

 Right After Last Session

Dr. Andrea Echeverry Exposed Multiple St

Healed After 3 Sessions

Dr. Andrea Echeverry Exposed multiple St

Healed After 3 Sessions

Dr. Andrea Echeverry Exposed Multiple St
Dr. Andrea Echeverry Exposed multiple St
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